University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania), in partnership with University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” (Bulgaria), Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) and Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Romania) organized during 22-25 October 2018, the 1st ToT session Train of the Teachers aiming to transfer innovative practices in teaching and learning through entrepreneurial and digital skills development.

During four intensive training days, the teachers from MD partners have been exposed to innovative pedagogical approaches for face-to-face and digital teaching and learning, to improve the entrepreneurial education practices for the benefit of students and learners.

The main benefits mentioned by trainees after the 4 training days were:

  • High quality of trainers and best practices studied
  • High interactivity and good organization of activities
  • Information content customized to the learning needs of teachers
  • Quality of information about new pedagogical approach in modernizing the HE curricula
  • Best practices shared in using the on-line learning platform MOODLE.


RESTART team wishes you good luck!

Transforming Teachers Mindsets through Digital and Entrepreneurial Skills Development

October 22th – 25th 2018



            University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania), in partnership with University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” (Bulgaria), Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) and Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Romania) will organize the 1st ToT session Train of the Teachers aiming to transfer innovative practices in teaching and learning through entrepreneurial and digital skills development.

            The target group consisting of 30 teachers and administrative staff from targeted country (i.e. Republic of Moldova) are fully involved in modernization of curriculum (master level) with subject area Business & Administration, as follows:

  • Alecu Russo State University of Bălți, master program Business & Administration (Trade market)
  • Moldova State University, master program Business Administration
  • Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, master program Business Administration
  • State Agrarian University of Moldova, master program Business and Administration in agro-food industry
  • State University of Cahul Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu, master program Entrepreneurship and Business Administration

            During four intensive training days, the teachers from MD partners will be exposing to innovative pedagogical approaches for face-to-face and digital teaching and learning, to improve the entrepreneurial education practices for the benefit of students and learners.

RESTART project invites you to bring your contribution by being part of the training session.


You are welcome to enjoy a new learning experience!