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Transfer of good practices in teaching from European to Moldova universities partners
Due to negative consequences of the spread of the coronavirus infection at the countries involved in project (i.e. Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and the Republic of Moldova as target country) and also at the EU level, [...]
ANNOUNCEMENT Extension of eligibility period as consequences of COVID – 19 PANDEMIC CRISIS As consequences of the amendment request for Change of the eligibility period due to COVID 19 consequences, the EACEA Agency has [...]
The focus group session within the project RESTART
The focus group session for master students within the project “RESTART – Reinforce entrepreneurship and digital skills of students and teachers to modernize higher education in MOLDOVA” (no.585353-EPP-1-2017-1-RO- EPPKA2) took place at State Agrarian University [...]
Transfer of good practices in teaching from European to Moldova universities partners
In February 2020, teachers from Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) performed teaching activities within three universities from Chisinau, Moldova: 24 – 28 February 2020 in Chisinau: Moldova State University, Academy of Economic Studies of [...]