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ReSTART: Career Guidance and Counseling Session #6 for Students of Economic Specialties
The six edition of Career Guidance and Counseling Session for Students of Economic Specialties was organized on the 4th of June 2021, within the RESTART Project (No. 585353-EPP-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Reinforce entrepreneurial and digital skills of students [...]
Further cooperation partnerships – as outputs of experience gained throughout the Restart project
As result of sharing experience and good practices transfer in teaching and learning entrepreneurial and digital skills between EU teachers and experts and Moldova counterparts, the project partners succeeded to establish new forms of cooperation [...]
Joint publications – academic outputs of Restart project
As result of sharing experience and good practices transfer in teaching and learning entrepreneurial and digital skills between EU teachers and experts and Moldova counterparts, several joint publications articles/papers have been developed and presented in [...]
Business competition event for students from Moldavian universities
Session 4– online form During 01-02 April 2021, the 4th edition of Business Competition Event has been held for the master students enrolled in the master program of Business & Administration from the Moldavian universities [...]