On June 16, 2021, in online format, the Second Event of Multiplying the results of the project with the generic – “Good practices on career guidance of students” took place within the activities of the project “Reinforce entrepreneurial and digital skills of students and teachers to enhance the modernization of higher education in Moldova (ReSTART)”.
This event was attended by students from the first and second cycle, from the Faculty of Economics, Engineering and Applied Sciences, from the Bachelor’s programs „Business and Administration”, „Accounting”, „Computer Science”, „Engineering and Management in the Food Industry”, as well as master’s students from the programs „Entrepreneurship and Business Administration” and ”Financial and Accounting Management of the Company” as well as European experts, the project partners from the “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Bulgaria, Kosice Technical University, Slovakia, Francophone University Agency, Romania and the University Polytechnic of Bucharest, Romania.
The purpose of the event was to inform students and master students, entrepreneurs about the innovative teaching and learning opportunities supported by the RESTART project, as well as about the results obtained by USC within the project.
European experts shared their experience with the participants regarding the good practices used in the career guidance of students, as well as they came up with solutions in developing a successful career.
During this event, in collaboration with the Employment Directorate Cahul, in the person of Ms. Gîlcă Marina, the delegate representative, was organized the Job Fair, where economic agents from Southern Region were invited: Draxelmaier Cahul and Danube Oil Company SRL.