The modernization of entrepreneurship education is possible only by making considerable efforts to develop at students the abilities to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner. From these reasons, a business plan competition was organized within the ReSTART project. The competition took place on December 10-11, 2020, online, being organized by ASEM.
The event was attended by master students from five universities in the Republic of Moldova: ASEM, USM, UASM, USARB and USCH. The students were able to convincingly prove that they possess the spirit of initiative, critical thinking, and the ability to present ideas in English.
The competition was judged by an international team, composed of teachers from Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria. All participants demonstrated thorough knowledge in the field of business planning, and Alexandra Tcacenco (SAUM) managed to win this competition.
The event was organized within the ReSTART project (Reinforce entrepreneurship and digital skills of students and teachers to improve the modernization of higher education in MOLDOVA) (585353-EPP-1-2017 -1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) of the Erasmus + Capacity Building Program in Higher Education.