On Wednesday, December 18 2019, at the Moldova State University, room 307, Central Bld., held the Career Orientation Session within the Erasmus + ReSTART project (Reinforce entrepreneurial and digital skills of students and teachers to enhance the modernization of higher education in MOLDOVA, No. 585353-EPP-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) currently implemented at the USM.
During the Session, the students of the master’s program “Business Administration” participated in the debates on building a successful career within companies, pointing to the challenges regarding professional growth and development throughout the career.
European experts from the project, teachers and employers from different companies participated as mentors.
The partners’ experience provoked discussions between the participants in the session, who analyzed the possible methods of developing a successful career in the entrepreneurial field and were outlined individual plans for career development.
It should be mentioned that, as a result of the session, 10 Career Guiding Plans were developed in which the students indicated the solutions to overcome the threats and risks existing in their professional growth and development.