The third Career Guidance Session in the context of the RESTART Project „Reinforce entrepreneurial and digital skills of students and teachers to modernize higher education in MOLDOVA” (No. 585353-EPP-1-2017-1-EN-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) was organized on June 13th 2019 at the Moldova State University, involving 31 participants: 10 master students, 9 teachers and 12 employers from different type of organisations.
Aim of the orientation session was to identify the methodology for career orientation based on SWOT analysis applied on master students involved:
- reflection on needs, aspirations, and wants in the short, medium, and long term;
- identification and assessment of strength and weakness at individual level;
- analysis of opportunities and threats from the local business, the labour market, and society;
- choosing criteria for professional development opportunities;
- drawing up a career strategy to overcome weaknesses and develop individual strengths in anticipating future needs;
- devising strategies for overcoming adverse circumstances and for regulating individual behavior.
As speaker in the third orientation session have been participated Dr. Irina Konstandinova form University of Ruse „Angel Kanchev”. She mentioned the importance of identification and assessment of strength and weakness at individual level.
Within this event, the Master of “Human resources management” together with business representatives discussed issues related to the drawing up a career strategy in order to overcome weaknesses and develop individual strengths in anticipating future needs.
Conclusions and proposals made during the discussions will materialize in 10 career guidance plans developed by master students.