A Round Table, with the generic title: “Career guidance and counselling of students of economics”, was organized on the 17th of December 2018, within the RESTART Project (No. 585353-EPP-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Reinforce entrepreneurial and digital skills of students and teachers to enhance the modernization of higher education in MOLDOVA), hosted at the Faculty of Exact, Economic and Environmental Sciences of Alecu Russo Balti State University. Bachelor and Master students of the programs “Business and administration” and “Commercial Business Administration” met the representatives of the business environment and the National Employment Agency specialists to discuss issues related to the competitiveness of young labour market specialists, successful employment; development and professional growth.
Mrs. Tatiana ROTARU, main specialist of the National Employment Agency of Balti municipality (ANOFM), familiarized students with the activity of the Agency and the career electronic guidance and counselling services offered to young specialists. Bachelor and Master students tested the new product of ANOFM, the electronic application “Navigating the labour market”, which offers the opportunity for self-assessing their professional skills; discovering and exploring the possible career development paths; writing an effective Curriculum Vitae; planning a job search; conducting a job interview and efficiently managing the first working period.
Conclusions and proposals formulated during the discussions will be materialized in Career Guidance Plans for the top ten Master students of the “Commercial Business Administration” program.
Several career guidance and career counselling sessions will be organized for students and graduates of economic specialties within the ReSTART Project, between 2019-2020. A Career Guidance Guide will be developed for USARB graduates.
More details about the ReSTART project as well as the planned activities can be found on the official website of the project: https://www.restart-eu.upb.ro/
The pictures from the event can be viewed here.
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